旨在补充CASBO在我们每个学科中提供的伟大专业发展, 我们最新的播客将提供一些主题,当你需要任何特定主题的更多信息时,你可以一次又一次地回到这些主题.


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Episode 23: A Conversation with Mike Fine, CEO of FCMAT

Mike Fine, CEO of the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team’s (FCMAT), 加入CASBO总裁蒂娜道格拉斯和总统当选埃里克迪尔在加州学校业务财政责任的翔实的讨论.

Mike Fine, CEO, Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team (FCMAT)

Episode 22: 2023-24 May Revise

CASBO的立法委员会主席和政府关系团队讨论CASBO的分析和响应总督五月修订在这一集. 倾听我们的预算优先事项和倡导努力,确保我们的声音在立法机关和行政部门制定最终的州预算法时被听到.

Darrin Watters, Deputy Superintendent/Business Services, Hemet Unified, CASBO Legislative Committee Chair
Elizabeth Esquivel, CASBO政府关系部助理执行主任
Mishaal Gil, Director, Policy & Advocacy, CASBO

Episode 21: CASBO’s Legislative Advocacy

现在,州长的2023-24年预算提案已经公布,并在立法机关手中, CASBO成员和支持者正在努力分析法案,让我们的声音被听到. Learn about our budget priorities, how we shape legislation, 以及你如何代表你的学区参与立法倡导.

Gary Stine, Executive Director of Support Services, Orange County Department of Education, and Chair, CASBO Legislative Committee
Elizabeth Esquivel, CASBO政府关系部助理执行主任
Mishaal Gil, Director, Policy & Advocacy, CASBO

Episode 20: Fiscal Outlook for Schools

What is on the horizon for next year’s budget, and what options does the state have to address a drop in revenue? K-12教育立法分析师讨论了最近bbin所有网站大全财政前景的报告及其向立法机关提出的bbin所有网站大全资金的建议.


Episode 19: Preparing for the Next Job

With so much turnover in school business in the last two years, there have never been more opportunities to promote into a new position. Our guests give their advice on fine-tuning your resume, preparing for interviews, 利用CASBO培训,这样你就能为下一份工作做好准备,并在招聘过程中脱颖而出.

Matt Phillips,注册会计师,加州学校服务管理咨询服务总监
Tracy Petrillo, Ed.D., CAE – Chief Learning Officer, CASBO

Additional Resources:
Leadership & How to Get a Promotion – Presentation

Episode 18: 2022-23 May Revise

When Governor Newsom released his proposed budget in January, many K-12 funding issues were pushed off, including the final Local Control Funding Formula cost-of-living adjustment, addressing the Gann Limit, and dealing with a staggering drop in average daily attendance. In this episode, 我们将与CASBO政府关系团队的成员讨论新发布的5月修订版,并将州长的新提案与立法机构的优先事项进行比较,同时勾勒出下个月州预算通过的道路.

Elizabeth Esquivel, Senior Director, Policy & Governance, CASBO

Gary Stine, Executive Director of Support Services, Orange County Department of Education, and Chair, CASBO Legislative Committee

Additional Resources:

Governor Newsom Releases the May Revision Budget: State Surplus of $97 Billion, Economic Growth Expected to Continue at Slower Rate Than Projected in January

Episode 17: 2022-23 Governor’s January Budget Proposal

The Governor has released his initial budget proposal for 2022-23. In this episode we discuss his key proposals, the historic levels of funding, other pending legislation, and how this may impact school district budgets.

Tatia Davenport, Chief Executive Officer, CASBO
Sara Bachez, Chief Governmental Relations Officer, CASBO

Additional Resources

CASBO新闻报道2022-04 -州长纽森发布2022-23年州预算提案

Episode 16: Declining Enrollment – Brace for Impact

Statewide declining enrollment became worse during the pandemic, and districts have not yet rebounded to their pre-COVID levels. 下学年,学区将根据实际出勤率恢复拨款. Newsom and the Legislature do not act to prevent a fiscal cliff.

In this episode, 我们的嘉宾将为规划不同的融资方案提供建议,并就国家如何解决这一问题提出建议.

Candi Clark, Ed.D.阿拉米达县教育办公室商业服务副主管
Jennifer Stahlheber, Chief Financial Officer, San Juan Unified School District
Tony Wold, Ed.D.西康特拉科斯塔联合学区前商业服务副总监

Episode 15: Be Prepared

如果说我们在过去两年学到了什么,那就是意想不到的事情总会发生. 虽然我们的注意力一直集中在处理这一流行病造成的危机, other emergencies continue to affect our schools.

In this episode, our guests will talk about handling multiple emergencies, lessons learned from recent disasters, 以及规划如何帮助当地教育机构的财政复苏.

Joe Anderson, Emergency Services Manager, California Department of Education
Judy Miller, Director, Risk Management & Environmental Safety, Perris Union HSD; and Chair, CASBO Risk Management Professional Council
Erin Tarkhanian, Loss Prevention Coordinator, Redwood Empire Schools’ Insurance Group; and Chair, CASBO Sacramento Section Risk Management Professional Council

Episode 14: Purchasing Power

Purchasing departments across the state are dealing with supply shortages, price increases, 除了满足学校的正常需求外,政府还签订了新的服务合同来应对疫情,而学校本应在这一年更加正常地开放,但事实并非如此. 我们与三位专家讨论他们如何处理这些问题,以及他们对地区克服这些挑战有什么建议.

Leeann Errotabere,前CASBO总裁,克洛维斯联合学区采购总监
Sharon Clay, Director, Purchasing, Warehouse & Duplicating Services – Cajon Valley
Tony Crapo, Director of Purchasing & Support Services – Sequoia Union High School District

Episode 13 – Rethinking Special Education Funding

加州为残疾学生提供资金的方式几十年来没有改变,是该州最大的分类项目.  WestEd一直在研究替代方案,以提高现有资源分配到学区的效率,同时更好地问责,以加强服务,改善学生的成果.  The WestEd study on special education finance has been released.  我们与该研究的一位作者讨论了他们的发现和建议,以重新思考该州的资助模式,并使其与其他当前的问责制保持一致.

Jason Willis, Director, Resource Planning, WestEd

Episode 12 – Food for Thought

While most of California has moved “Beyond the Blueprint,” it is anything but business as usual for schools.  This summer, 我们将强调学校业务不同领域的挑战,因为我们准备在今年秋天全面重新开放.  在营养服务方面,根据目前美国农业部的豁免,亲自服务将继续进行.  We talk to three CASBO members about what this will mean for their programs, what logistics issues they are dealing with, 本周来自萨克拉门托的大新闻,明年将继续为所有学生提供免费膳食.

Jennifer Marrone, Food & 圣地亚哥联合学区营养服务业务经理,CASBO州主任
Ralph Peschek, Chief Business Officer, William S. Hart Union High School District, CASBO Legislative Committee Member
Dominic Machi, Director of Food & Nutrition Services, Mt. Diablo联合学区,CASBO州营养服务专业委员会主席

Episode 11 – May Revise

Following a week of good news for education, the governor released the May Revision to his 2021-22 budget proposal. CASBO’s advocates, Sara Bachez和Elizabeth Esquivel讨论了预算中的亮点以及增加资金和项目的前景.

Sara Bachez, CASBO Chief Governmental Relations Officer
Elizabeth Esquivel,  CASBO Senior Director of Policy & Governance